Mar 8, 2006

Herbert Palmquist
Covenant Press, Chicago, 1967

A.E. Palmquist on John Rodman (Mamrelund, Lundby, Salem, Kandiyohi Cty MN)

According to Rodman's interpretation, we were to rule over the Gentiles in the coming age. These Gentiles would be the descendants of Enoch, whom God took away that he might not see death. According to Rodman, Enoch was never taken to heaven but to another planet, where God created him a wife. Their descendants were to be the Gentiles over which we were to exercise rule. In my great amazement and ignorance I said to him: 'But how do you know this'? at which he nudged me in the side and answered: 'How do I know this, my boy? When I was your age, I was a preacher, too, but since I became older I have become a thinker.' "...Frykman will undoubtedly rule over ten cities because he enjoys so much to rule..." -54 (on moving to Turlock, CA) " I lived my first 40 years in Sweden; I have been in Minnesota 40 years; and now I expect to stay out here for my last 40 years." -55

Version #2

One day when Sjoquist was walking down the main street of Dassel, he encountered a man who was a bit unsteady in his gait from over-imbibing at the corner saloon. Sjoquist offered to assist him across the street at the intersection. "No, Pastor Sjoquist," said the man, who happened to recognize him, "I don't need your help. I don't belong to your church. I'm a Lutheran." "Yes," answered Sjoquist, " I can see that." -60


...Lidman...was preaching on the incident of the Samaritan woman at the well of Sychar. Suddenly he shouted out the words of the woman to Jesus: "Give me this water." The janitor, who had not been listening, happened to enter the room at just that moment and assumed that he was addressing him. Soon he came back into the church, carrying a tumbler of water which he placed on the pulpit ledge, saying as he did so: "Here is your water." -72

Wausa reminiscence missed -Fred Pamp

During my stay in Omaha I was invited to Wausa to preach one Sunday, but while I waited at a train junction for the train to the latter place, I became so engrossed in a book that I did not hear the approach of the train. So I came to the stationmaster and said: 'when does the train arrive for Wausa?' 'Oh,' he answered, 'it has already come and gone.' I asked him when the next train would come, and he answered that there would be no further train service to Wausa until Monday. -80

Two views of prophecy

When he (Skogsbergh) once communicated his interpretation of prophecy to my father (A.E. Palmquist), the latter replied: "But that is not what your brother-in-law David Nyvall thinks," "Well," he drawled in characteristic fashion, "Nyvall, you see, does not understand prophecy." Later my father met Professor Nyvall and related this to him. Nyvall laughed heartily and answered, "Well, you see, Skogsbergh and I are so much alike in that respect." -91

J.A. Hultman

Often he told stories of what happened on his journeys. "I have just returned from Sweden, and there I sang at so-and-so many concerts all the way from Lappland to Scania...many people gathered to hear me and ALL OF THEM WERE SWEDES -134

Most, but not all, of his concerts were free...At times, however, tickets were sold, and when that was so he loved to tell of the woman who said when she was informed that there was an admission charge: "I thought it was only a collection so I left my money at home." -136

J.J. Daniels

William Jennings Bryan...was on his way to Willmar, where he was to speak that evening. We decided to present ourselves to him. Skogsbergh, although he was a pronounced Republican, got into a discussion with him immediately, and we had a very interesting conversation with the famous presidential candidate. -142

Isak Skoog

"It is with Covenant preachers as it is with potatoes: the best ones are under the ground." -154

One Sunday evening Skoog came out from the church in Spokane to find that someone had stolen his elaborate radiator cap, which in those days doubled as a thermometer. Skoog purchased another cap. The next Sunday night he said, "I'll fool them" and took the cap with him into the church only to discover when he came out that someone had stolen his car. -156


The congregation at L. had a preacher who...had overstayed his time...The chairman opened the meeting..."Well, now our pastor has resigned, and we are here for the purpose of choosing another. And now I hope you will all express yourselves, for now the meeting is open." For a while nothing was said, and then one member got up and drawled: "Well, I only want to say one thing, and that is that when we now elect another preacher we should choose one that we'll be able to get rid of." -164


When Minnehaha Academy was being dedicated, the M.C., Mr. A.L. Skoog, noticed him (Princell) in the congregation and asked him to be brought up to the platform for a greeting. Then he shouted in Princell's ear (for Princell was very deaf), "Only five minutes, only five minutes." (He seldom spoke for less than two or two and one/half hours) As a matter of record Princell spoke for exactly three minutes and said in substance, "We have all read history, more or less -- mostly less. But there is something greater than to read history and that is to make history, and we are making history today." -166

F.E. Pamp Princeton memories

It was a church wracked with internal dissention to which he came in Princeton. Some years previously the church had had as its pastor a man who had divided the congregation by his teachings on sanctification. He withdrew, taking a dissident group with him. The Rev. Adam Lidman was called to heal the wounds... After the rift to which reference has been made, the dissident group met in a hall with their "sanctified" pastor doing the preaching. But the work was not permanent. This is the way Lidman tells it: "Fortunately, the reaction of the church to my predecessor was strong. But those who were "baptised with the holy spirit" continued to meet in the homes for fine dinners. Among others who had been influenced was a man known as "well-digger Anderson." One evening there was a big dinner in his home, and Mrs. Anderson had prepared a wonderful feast. Just as they were going to sit down at the table, the "spirit" fell upon them and they fell to the floor, carrying the table linen with them. Just then, Mrs. Anderson came in carrying a gravy boat in her hand, and when she saw what had happened she said, 'This is the end; now it is going to have to stop.' And with that she threw the gravy boat on the back of the head of one of the old fellows on the floor." -180

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