11, 2007
song #7 (no title)

O tänk en gång när ändligt slut är striden
Consider now when all our strife is ended
Och jag gått in i Sions sköna stad
And we go in to Zions bright city
Då skall det evigt vara slut på gråten
Then will all crying be forever ended
Ej någon tår man ser på Sions strand
Nor any tears be seen on Zion's shore

"O think how, when all our strife is ended
And at last we see the city bright
How our broken hearts will all be mended
And our tears forgotten at the sight"

Der hörs ej suckan, ej hörs klagans stämma
No sighs be heard, nor lamenting sounds
Ty der får ingen störa Jesu bud
For his sheep nothing disturbs Jesus' order
O tänk hur salig det skall bli där hemma
O think how happy it shall be in that home
När jag blir fri från alt och bor hos Gud
Where I shall be free from (it) all and dwell with God

"There no sighs are heard, nor voices crying
For His sheep are counted safely there
O think how they rest securely lying
In their heavenly fold within His care"

Hvad gör det då om verlden mig ej känner
What will happen in this world I do not know
Om igen tillfligkt jag på jorden har
(if) Once more a place of refuge I have on earth
Jag är sa glad ty inom mig jag känner
I am so glad that within I can know
Att Jesus bor hos mig i hjertat kvar
That Jesus dwells with me remaining in my heart

"What will happen in this world I know not
Whether refuge here will be my part
What a joy however I can know that,
Jesus dwells forever in my heart"

Hvad gör det då när vänner här mig glömma
What will happen when friends have forgotten me
Ja om de äfven öfvergifva mig
Yes, if they should abandon me
Min Jesus han är den som aldrig sviker
My Jesus is the one who will never betray me
Och trofast är när verldens vänner dö
And is faithful when worldly friends are gone

"What will happen when my friends forget me
Yes, though all abandon me at last
Jesus is the one I trust completely
Others fail, but He will hold me fast"

Jag har ej någon silverstängad lyra
I have no silver-stringed lyre
Men jag är glad ändå jag har min sång
But I am glad rather to have my song
Och hjertas strängar kan jag knappast styra
And the heart strings I can possibly steer
De vilja alla ljuda på en gång
They (make perfect music) all the time

"With a lyre of silver strings, some may sing
But content am I to have this song
If somehow it plays upon the heart-strings
Then the perfect melody has come"

Derför mitt kors jag bära vill frimodigt
Therefore my cross I bear willingly
Ty utan det jag får ej ärans krans
For otherwise I have not the wreath of honor
Och om för Jesus jag skall krönas blodig
And if for Jesus I shall wear the thorn-crown
Hvad gör väl det - när evigt jag är hans
That will be well, when ever I am His

"Taking up my cross I follow gladly
Lest the crown of glory pass me by
For the bloody crown which he wore for me
Brings me hope for all eternity"

Song #7, Untitled
(can be sung to "Whersoer I Roam", Green Cov Hymnal 344, repeating the last two lines of each verse)

"O think how, when all our strife is ended
And at last we see the city bright
How our broken hearts will all be mended
And our tears forgotten at the sight"

"There no sighs are heard, nor voices crying
For His sheep are counted safely there
O think how they rest securely lying
In their heavenly fold within His care"

"What will happen in this world I know not
Whether refuge here will be my part
What a joy however I can know that,
Jesus dwells forever in my heart"

"What will happen when my friends forget me
Yes, though all abandon me at last
Jesus is the one I trust completely
Others fail, but He will hold me fast"

"With a lyre of silver strings, some may sing
But content am I to have this song
If somehow it plays upon the heart-strings
Then the perfect melody has come"

"Taking up my cross I follow gladly
Lest the crown of glory pass me by
For the bloody crown which he wore for me
Brings me hope for all eternity"

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