11, 2007
song #4 Kom till Jesus
"Come to Jesus"

1) Du som af synd betungad är, dig Jesus bjuder kom
You who of sin are burdened, You Jesus bids (to) come

Hans bjudning höres fjärran när A syndare vänd om
His bidding is heard far and near, whereever a sinner wanders

Besinna kanske bjudes du Den sista gången nu
Consider perhaps this invitation to you, now one last time

"If you are burdened down by sin, the call of Jesus comes
His invitation is to all, wherever sinners roam
It's time to listen to His call, it's time to come back home"

2)Hans ok är ljuft hans börda lätt Hans ord er skön musik
His yoke is light, His burden easy, His word is beautiful music

Förlorade säg har du sett, en vän så kärleks rik
Have you ever heard, have you ever seen, a friend of such great love

För dig han kom till jorden ner och bittra kvalen led
For you he came down to earth and a way of bitter pain

"His yoke is easy, burden light," and a more beauteous sound
We've never heard, nor ever seen, nor better friend have found
For you He walked a bitter path, for you to earth came down."

3)Han mäktig är att skänk a tröst åt kvalfullt sorgadt bröst
His power is to grant faith, To every hurting, troubled breast

Du ångerns sön på honom tro och lyssna till hans röst
You son of repentance, in him believe and listen to his voice

Han kopte dyrt din arma själ Då ormen stang hav hål
He purchased dearly your poor soul, pierced by the serpent's sting

"His power granted hope and trust to every troubled soul
Who feels a sorrow for its sin and seeks to be made whole
He paid the price, whate'r the cost, to end the serpent's toll"

4)Kom syndare som borta går På otrons breda stig
Come, sinners who have gone astray, on unbelief's broad road

F Jesu öppna sida sår är rum ber edt för dig
For Jesus' open wounded side, has made a place for you

Besinna kanske bjudes du, för sista gången nu
Consider perhaps this invitation to you, now one last time

"Come, sinners, who, destruction's broad and tempting road have roamed
Unto the "straight and narrow way" the call of Jesus comes
It's time to listen to His call, it's time to come back home"

Narrative: A strong and simple missionfriend song! Verse four has an example of the part of German pietism that dwelled on Jesus "blood and wounds." As seen, this has been translated into a phrase more attuned to our day. Verse three also has a more graphic description of "the serpent's sting"; literally the puncture wounds of the snake.

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Come to Jesus
(can be sung to the verse of "Only Trust Him", repeating 2nd line, #269, green hymnal)

If you are burdened down by sin, the call of Jesus comes
His invitation is to all, wherever sinners roam
It's time to listen to His call, it's time to come back home

"His yoke is easy, burden light," and a more beauteous sound
We've never heard, nor ever seen, nor better friend have found
For you He walked a bitter path, for you to earth came down.

His power granted hope and trust to every troubled soul
Who feels a sorrow for its sin and seeks to be made whole
He paid the price, whate'r the cost, to end the serpent's toll

Come, sinners, who, destructions' broad and tempting road have roamed
Unto the "straight and narrow way" the call of Jesus comes
It's time to listen to His call, it's time to come back home

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