December , 2007
Song #8

Mot kvällen
Toward evening

O stundom när solen mot vester sig sänker
O soon down the sun toward the west will sink

Dess helsning for dagen den sista mig skänker
Its greetings for the end of the day to me gives

En försmak af himlen då stilla jag tänker
One foretaste of heaven then in stillness I think

Kanhända i natt går jag hem
Perhaps in the night I go home

Hem hem der i det klara blå hem hem
Home, home, there in the clear blue; home, home

Snart skall jag fara få hem hem
Soon shall I (reach) home, home

Högt ofver molnen hos Jesus jag eger mitt hem
High over the clouds in Jesus I have my home

I midnatten ut kanske lågan har brunnet
In the midnight perhaps the fire burns out

Mig döden har famnat och segern jag vunnit
My death is embraced and victory I have won

När solen går upp kanske himlen jag kunnet
When the sun goes up perhaps I will know heaven

Och bar i besittning mitt hem
And (finally) possess my (true) home

När slutligt mitt stoft bäddos djupt gruset neri
When finally my dust (lies) bedded deeply (in the) pit

Och själen gått in i det eviga ljuset
And the soul enters the eternal light

Bland saliga andar i konungahuset
Among the blessed spirits in the house of the king

Med Jesus jag då nätt mitt hem
With Jesus I ....... my home

Wälcommen du saliga afton i tiden
Welcome you blessed evening in time

Som en gång för alltid skall afsluta striden
Which once for all shall end the strife

Och föra mig hem sen min dag är förtiden
And lead me home, soon my day is too late

Till Jesus som vunnet mitt hem
Unto Jesus who has won my home

Can be sung to "Now the day is over"

Toward evening

Soon the sun sinks westward,
Greets the end of day
With a glorious foretaste
Of my heaven-bound way

Homeward in the brightness
Soon I too, will rise
In the clouds with Jesus
Home will be my prize

When the fire burns dimly
Comes the greater light
When the dawn of heaven
Marks my homeward flight

When this life is ended
And light fills the soul
With his blessed spirits
Paradise we'll know

Come then, glorious sunset
Welcome peace to bring
For we all are eager
For that homecoming
